FindingForward Business Coach and Consultant

Everything You've Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG!

Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I'll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less!

Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You're Getting Right Now... And Without Spending Any More Money?

What if your business numbers told a different story?
A story of compounding growth and accelerated profits?

Elly Steffen, FindingForward Business Coach and Consultant
Elly Steffen, Growth and Profit Acceleration Specialist / Business Coach

Most business owners focus on building revenue. That’s WRONG! Building profits is what feeds your family… but almost no business owner understands how to build profit without building revenue. They think you can’t build one without the other, and they’re wrong.
This video will explain how you can do this!

I show business owners how to double their profits in 6 months without spending Additional money on marketing and advertising, and with guaranteed results.

Click link below to Access my Free trainings, including a video on compounding growth, a copy of my new Book on business breakthrough strategies, and much more.

Increase Just 12 Areas in Your Business by a Meager 2.6% and Your Profits Will DOUBLE! This video will explain how you can do this!
Watch my video explaining compounding growth and I’ll send you a copy of my profit acceleration book with easy-to-implement, cost-effective strategies to increase your leads, add revenue through higher conversion rates, and become more profitable by cutting costs. All these strategies can be done without an increase in your advertising or marketing budget.

What’s The Single Biggest Problem You’re Facing In Your Business Today?

Send Me Your Question And I’ll Email You The Solution!


Be One With the Fish

My previous post started my series on catching big clients, or “fish”, which will sustain your business over the long run. Today let’s take this to the next step by exploring how to change your mindset to think like a big fish company. This can help you plan your approach and find success. Before you can begin the process of landing big clients, you must make sure you and your entire team are on board with your approach and vision. There are six keys to realizing big client success. They are: First Impression: Remember you only have one shot to

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Are You On The Right Path?

There are a number of factors to consider when prepping your company to approach the largest clients you may ever work with. Today let’s begin with a brief look at the three paths every business faces and show you which one is the path to success. Then we’ll talk about the mindset it takes to attract the big fish and ensure you are on the right path. Business Paths: There are three major paths a business can take when expanding their business: Snail Speed Shooting Star Catch the Big Fish Snail Speed: Unfortunately, most business owners end up working themselves into

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